Monday, June 2, 2008

mid-shoot update

So i have been gripping on a feature being shot in Minneapolis. The film is [currently] called Into Temptation: The crew has been great, and we work under a hard working, capable Key Grip named Dean Woytcke. If you can afford him, he's worth it. Crew chiefs Dean and Gaffer Greg Niska have been very supportive and go out of their way to thank the crew and comment on their day's performance. The Best Boys on both crews are competent and smart.

I don't want come off as a name dropper, so I will just say that the lead actor is a peach of a man. He has been consistently polite, gracious and congenial. He fraternizes freely with the hired help and says "Thank you" to his stand in. A generally affable guy who smiles a lot off camera.

This shoot has been an ass-kicker. I never knew what I wussy I was until I started slinging metal with this crew. I look like a victim of spousal abuse. I need to find some British Commando Pullovers with those built-in shoulder pads. On two days, we got rained on hard and fast. It quickly turns into an exercise in emergency prioritizing and execution of critical tasks getting your electrical cables out of the gutter before you blow out the generator or kill somebody stepping into the street. I also miscalculated the length of shooting days... they have been more like 12-14 hours. But seriously, I would rather do this for free than most jobs I have gotten paid to do.

I got to crew with Gabriel [], who knows Bambi [], my Chatterbox Pub sister. Gabriel did a Zombie Human Rights mockumentary as a student film project.

Talking to Gabriel has spurred me on to kick this script's ass one more time! I am about half way though stripping the direction out and have been tweaking as I go. I have determined not to avoid the parts I haven't been able to fix. I am plowing straight through, hammering away until I beat the story into submission. Anything I don't like I either kill or fix. I am to a point where I can read it through without cringing, and at a couple points actually chuckle or sigh.

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