Friday, October 19, 2007

More Connects!

Gordon, a mutual acquaintance, is associated with a local special effects company. I am hoping that I can get him to help on some practical effects. He is also a puppeteer... and a damn good one. He introduced me to Crist Ballass from

Crist does some amazing work and shows examples on his website that match anything I had imagined for the movie! In fact, he shows three specific things I need: A fake chin, a whithered female corpse, and really good hair appliances! And... he is local!

The Lost are Found

I found Bob! My playwright friend moved out of state but is back on board. I tracked him down and surprised him with a call. I gots his address, and am back to rewriting the middle act of the screenplay. I will send him a draft and he will tear it apart and magically glue it back together again in a way that is actually dramatic and interesting.

My writing skills do not seem to have improved, but I am having better ideas about the story. I also took a continuity problem and turned it into a dramatic element. I was pleased with that.

With that said, i also managed to track down Tristessa, who had also moved out of state. She is an actually and for real educated film student like Dan [who still hasn't called me]. She has a penchant for dialog, which is my weakest point.

I also got a hold of my friend Bambi, who has agreed to play the main character's G/F "if I turn out not to suck too much." Awesome! There is my goal... my standard... to just make the whole movie "not suck too much."

I was reading a review for a recent movie and thought about how happy I would be to even get a "C" rating. The notion that it will ever get done to be reviewed is getting stronger. It definitely will not be ready for 2008, but it probably will get done. By hook or by crook.